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Are you ready to FRY THAT BIRD?

It’s that time of year again! Are you ready to FRY THAT BIRD?

Fry Your Turkey The King Kooker® Way!

New traditions or old, King Kooker® prides itself on supplying delicious marinade and seasonings, accessories and a variety of outdoor cooking packages that make your outdoor turkey frying an easy and safe cooking experience this holiday season.

Check out our King Kooker® Turkey Frying-The Authentic Experience video here ….

For a delicious, mouthwatering, juicy, deep fried turkey this holiday season, be sure to use King Kooker® outdoor cooking products like a King Kooker® Turkey Fryer:


For more information on King Kooker® and our products or CALL US TODAY at 504-736-0201 or 800-783-3885. M-F 7:30-3:00 CST.

King Kooker® Outdoor Cooking Products – by Metal Fusion Inc.
©Copyright 2023 King Kooker/Metal Fusion, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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